Money is the most intelligent and semiconductor is the most powerful discovery of the human being!
Eventually, money enslaved the civilization and semiconductor imprisoned our life.
Abdul Baasit Sathar, Shahram Parsaee, Fadi Toumeh, +3 like this

Bert Robinson
Why then is 80% of the semiconductor business in Chin.

Abdul Baasit Sathar
We created them both

Anjan Kumar Bhattacharjee
We are proud to create these smart things for our permanent enjoyment.

Rajarshi Sarma
There are always 2 sides of the coin, depends on how you want to perceive things. To me, these inventions revolutionized human existence, made our life simpler and paced up our civilization. Its difficult to see how they enslaved or imprisoned us.

Charles Helliwell
Discovery is the finding of something previously unseen, unheard or un-thought of. Invention is the creation of something new, unseen, unheard of and un-thought of. So if we invented money to enslave us and the semiconductor to imprison us, it only remains to discover what will eventually free us.

Ken Tasch
Despots enslaved civilizations. Semiconductors helped advance civilizations.

Dr Gary Sheard
Coins are conductive. Notes have insulating properties.
"Change" is always good.

Mijan Rahman
Thanks for your enlightening contribution! There is a clarification. I think we invented money to solve a problem and semiconductor as a productivity tool then we discovered them politically that enslaved the civilization and imprisoned the life respectively. I strongly believe, our money and semiconductor could solve all the sufferings of humanity and we could see a happy planet earth. Money and semiconductor jointly play the role of God who uses more power against humanity than welfare! Now we need to rediscover them as new God to free us! Social capital is on the way to rediscover money.

Money is always being .............. manipulated by Humans, of all variation .

Norhayati Mohd Nordin Yusuf
Money works for people and not people work for money.
This will make people be the controller instead of money.

Cam T
I think if one has money they are intelligent for making it and I don't believe the semiconductor is the most powerful discovery by a human being. Granted many of us use computers but I like to think that we have discovered so many drugs and medical devices that have saved lives and had a tremendous impact on living more active life styles.Look how great so many wounded vets are able to do thing now that they could not do before because of these revolutionary ideas.Saving and curing thousand of children from disease in Africa and other countries. Being humane is so important.People are the most intelligent and the most powerful discovery is our brains and how we use them to change ,influence &r help mankind not just with medical devices or drugs but with compassion and example.
Eventually, money enslaved the civilization and semiconductor imprisoned our life.
Abdul Baasit Sathar, Shahram Parsaee, Fadi Toumeh, +3 like this

Bert Robinson
Why then is 80% of the semiconductor business in Chin.

Abdul Baasit Sathar
We created them both

Anjan Kumar Bhattacharjee
We are proud to create these smart things for our permanent enjoyment.

Rajarshi Sarma
There are always 2 sides of the coin, depends on how you want to perceive things. To me, these inventions revolutionized human existence, made our life simpler and paced up our civilization. Its difficult to see how they enslaved or imprisoned us.

Charles Helliwell
Discovery is the finding of something previously unseen, unheard or un-thought of. Invention is the creation of something new, unseen, unheard of and un-thought of. So if we invented money to enslave us and the semiconductor to imprison us, it only remains to discover what will eventually free us.

Ken Tasch
Despots enslaved civilizations. Semiconductors helped advance civilizations.

Dr Gary Sheard
Coins are conductive. Notes have insulating properties.
"Change" is always good.

Mijan Rahman
Thanks for your enlightening contribution! There is a clarification. I think we invented money to solve a problem and semiconductor as a productivity tool then we discovered them politically that enslaved the civilization and imprisoned the life respectively. I strongly believe, our money and semiconductor could solve all the sufferings of humanity and we could see a happy planet earth. Money and semiconductor jointly play the role of God who uses more power against humanity than welfare! Now we need to rediscover them as new God to free us! Social capital is on the way to rediscover money.

Money is always being .............. manipulated by Humans, of all variation .

Norhayati Mohd Nordin Yusuf
Money works for people and not people work for money.
This will make people be the controller instead of money.

Cam T
I think if one has money they are intelligent for making it and I don't believe the semiconductor is the most powerful discovery by a human being. Granted many of us use computers but I like to think that we have discovered so many drugs and medical devices that have saved lives and had a tremendous impact on living more active life styles.Look how great so many wounded vets are able to do thing now that they could not do before because of these revolutionary ideas.Saving and curing thousand of children from disease in Africa and other countries. Being humane is so important.People are the most intelligent and the most powerful discovery is our brains and how we use them to change ,influence &r help mankind not just with medical devices or drugs but with compassion and example.
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