How can we differentiate between knowledge and wisdom!?
Tam Tran, Yohei Onodera, 端木 卓健/ Hashiki Takuken, +3 like this

Mijian, Good Point. It is commonly believed that the two are synonymous. However there have been many wise people throughout history that were not what we referred to as, well-educated. Wisdom frequently seems to be something we have or do not have. Certainly a well-educated person can acquire wisdom through knowledge.

wisdom comes from knowledge.

Wisdom is enlightened stage which is preceded by meditation and awareness.
A knowledgeable person may make journey to wisdom but when stops at the point of awareness, s/he is likely to deprived by its immense accrual.

Bert Robinson
Or is it that knowledge comes from wisdom? If we have the wisdom to acquire knowledge then wisdom is the key factor.

Salem Abusaif
Knowledge is dangerous if it is not joined with wisdom

Chris Davis
Wow. knowledge tells me the wife is unhappy. wisdom tells me what action if any I should take. Knowledge is dead it's facts and info. wisdom is alive and dynamic as it informs our actions

Abhijit Deb
Knowledge could be just theoretical understanding of a subject (not always though) but Wisdom (or applied knowledge) comes from practicality – I guess.

James Harrison
Wise men avoid a problem the clever ones( knowledgeable) tackles it.

Tam Tran
1. Theoretical explanation: Wisdom = from Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able.
2. Practical comparison: Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

Bert Robinson
My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. Thomas Jefferson

Mijan Rahman
Thank you all for your valuable contribution and feedback for enhancing and rectifying my learning! I have another problem with wisdom and insights! I would request you to comment on the relation and difference between wisdom and insight!

Clem Molloy
While knowledge may form part of wisdom, a broad understanding of how the world works may help in making decisions in the absence of specific knowledge or expertise. Wisdom per se is often hard to define. However, in fostering applied wisdom the following elements have proven useful: (1) Valuing people, (2) Developing broad awareness, (3) Deep understanding, (4) Discerning foresight, (5) Reflective integration of 1-4. In this context, wisdom is broader than knowledge.

................. as long as you are aware ............... without the need, to cling to that

Joseph Cooper
Wisdom is ones collective experiences and knowledge is ones collective learning

Edward Simangunsong
we use knowledge to solve problems with technical discipline and use wisdom to solve problems with philosophy ...

Wayne Uejio
Knowledge and wisdom are different. Some would say knowledge is data and wisdom is the ability to use the data. To me knowledge is data and the process to use it. (Hopefully with the background to know why the process works and reason behind it) Wisdom is the ability to use or not use it depending on the situation. i.e. think outside the box and decide to act or not act sometimes with knowledge or going against knowledge.

David Goodman
Wisdom is the useful application of knowledge.

Jimmy Parija
Knowledge - Something is inherited, acquired or obtained from someone or external world. Something that is told to us.
Wisdom: Something that is generated, created from inside your own. It is something that is given from us to the external world.
With knowledge you get the ability to solve a problem given to you. With wisdom you can see problems waiting to be solved, which is a more powerful quality than solving.

Mario Chimoy
Knowledge is to have the information, understand it and know how to use.
Wisdom is something deeper, more human and requires greater awareness. Wisdom requires knowledge of the human soul, human behavior, nature and its ecological balance. So the wise can solve unstructured problems.
A grandfather is wiser ... not because he has more knowledge ... is wiser that it comprises better human and the world. So you can give better advice and suggest approaches or solutions to unstructured problems.

Wayne Uejio
Had another thought on this subject, we throw around the words - information, data, knowledge and wisdom. Do we really know what these words mean?
here are my thoughts on this:
Data - is just that, numbers, words, with no context
Information - is a little more interesting. The dictionary definition of information is the amount of data needed to make a decision. I assume the data is put into context. I know some people that make decisions with no data and try justifying the decision. I like the definition of information as data in context. i.e. 1 is the data and the context is mm (measure of length) and is the tolerance for a machine drill hole in a car. Next would be where on the car.
Knowledge means you know the answers to the what, where, how, why, when, etc. about the data and the processes to create and use the data.
Wisdom means you understand the answers and when to ignore the process and go outside the box.

Bert Robinson
Isn't this a matter of semantics?
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