How to face the unexpected evaluation at annual performance appraisal?
In most of the jobs, KPIs are not 100% objective. What should we do when we largely differ with the employers?
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Charles Helliwell
It should only happen once in your working life, because if you allow it to happen again, you are allowing someone else's subjective interpretation of your performance to determine your overall value to the organisation. So, take performance appraisals seriously and demand that your objectives and KPI's are at least 75-80% measurable and performance related. Even if your manager doesn't take them seriously, you should...ALWAYS.

Ken Tasch
Write down why you disagree, providing specific examples. Then ask for another meeting to go over them. It's never a good idea to go over your bosses head, but if there's a serious disconnect it may be necessary.

SengKok Lim
If the manager has been doing his job and conducting at least twice yearly (quarterly may be better) reviews of your performance the final appraisal should not be a rude shock to you. However this does require company policy enforcement to ensure managers comply with regular appraisals - many companies already do (or at least on paper!)
Though truth be known, there is nothing in this world that is 100% objective. They will always be colored by individual bias, consciously or unconsciously. The most one can hope for is a strong co-relation between your accomplishments and your final rating.

Jennifer Lim
There should not be surprises to be given during the performance evaluation session.
Team member with not so good performance should have already expected the poor evaluation before the session, and superiors/managers should have given regular feedback to the team member on the performance.
Should there be unexpected evaluation, team member can request for specific examples during the session and provide examples after the session to support any disagreement with the evaluation.

Carl-Magnus Cedercreutz
Good suggestions above with a few things to add from personal experience of both surprising and unsurprising evaluations from both sides.
a) We all have different views of what is direct clear communication. In general you have to risk sounding harsh when you provide clear communication. At least you will not sound polite. That is something every manager should be prepared to give, but not all are. In my experience this is a common reason for people being surprised in performance evaluations, the manager thinks he/she has said it, but the person has not heard it.
b) Likewise the employee cannot shut his/her ears when a manager / client says negative things, look for the why and the implications. I can't tell how many times I have to restate constructive feedback, if I really want it to sink in with ALL people that need it. Most people react with a few pushes, others require up to 10.
c) The expectations for a job are not always clear. In companies I've worked in the job formal description is outright said to cover 80% unless its been custom written afterwards to document your agreed role.
To get an alignment when things start "turning south" you can at least do this:
* make a list of the things on your to-do-list or task list or responsibility list whichever best describes your jobs.
* estimate the time they will take to complete and
* put them in the priority you see as right
Talk through the list priority with your manager. There might well be things close to the bottom that are very important to your manager, and he/she is entitled to get their way unless you can turn his/her head with arguments.
If you still can't understand why your line manager has a different view from yourself, ask yourself if it's just this one manager or the whole company that seems to have different values from yourself.
With this kind of preparation and awareness of the underlining principles you might be able to make sense also of a surprising evaluation.
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