To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order; we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right. -Confucius
To promote #Familipreneurship we should consider some issues like (Not limited to but including):
- Create a family business plan following participatory method.
- Passing on entrepreneurial know-how as beneficial for the future wealth of your family.
- Spending time with interested family members to pass on entrepreneurial skills and knowledge.
- Being realistic and rational to give them a helping hand to make them self-reliance.
- Helping steer family members in the right direction to be a part of business.
- Having faith in other family members
- Making favorable environment for other family member for being part of the family business.
- Talking openly with family members about business and family affair.
- Holding regular family meetings.
- Teaching children about the business skill from their childhood.
- Balancing family life with entrepreneurial life.
#Familipreneurship education could be institutionalized through formal training on issues like:
- Assess impact of behavior on family;
- Personal and collective resource arrangement, combination and utilization as performing capitals;
- Social capital utilization;
- Opportunity recognition;
- Affective identification and management;
- Assertiveness ;
- Anger management;
- Conflict-resolution;
- Stress-management
- ==============
No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family!!!
#FAMILIPRENEURSHIP means the individual and collective power of a family member to combine and utilize personal and family capitals (Financial, Human, Physical, Social, Knowledge, Cultural, Intangible and natural capital) individually and collectively through their bondages, bri
dges and linkages.

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