Sunday, November 9, 2014

Program Overview of Family Based Capitalization (FBC)

Family Based Capitalization (FBC) forEconomic Development and Employment Generation through Promoting FAMILIPRENEURSHIP to maximize wealth and optimize capital;
 INCREASING social capital by promoting/using/developing Familiness
 EXPLORING potentialities of individuals
 VALUING human, knowledge and social capital
 OPTIMIZING use of human, knowledge, social, natural capital
 MINIMIZING the roles/needs of finance capital
 ORGANIZING scattered resources into performing asset and capital
 UTULIZING financial opportunities
 FACILITATING Family Edutainment
Promote GREEN & sustainable Family Enterprise.
 RESTORING inherited but shrink tradition and indigenous knowledge, culture, practices and values
 INSTITUTIONALIZING social educational and learning system through family based Edutainment.
 CREATING employment opportunities within the family and/or community to reduce internal labor migration.
 IMPROVING accessibility, reliability, function ability, transparency and structural improvement of our social systems.
 ESTABLISHING multidimensional role of family as a social catalyst to remove all sorts of discrimination and injustice towards an inclusive society with valuing diversity.
This will enable to:
 DEVELOP entrepreneurial skills;
 UNDERSTAND the process of starting new ventures;
 CREATE, identify, and evaluate new venture opportunities;
 TRANSFORM opportunity into success;
 OPTIMIZE strength to overcome threats & weakness;
 INTERPRET circumstances and quantify the value proposition;
 NAVIGATE the alternative resources option;
 USE social capital;
 ENHANCE and expand linkage & networks;
 INCREASE applied knowledge in solving personal and social problems;
 OBTAIN basic banking knowledge & funding options for credit/advance procedures;
 GAIN financial and professional support;
 CALCULATE creditworthiness before applying for funding;
 PREPARE an action plan with time frame;
 ASSESS the needs of resources for success;
 START to transform dreams/ideas into earning ventures;

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